Know How to Keep Your Diesel Car at Peak Performance Levels

Every car requires maintenance, so does a diesel car as well. Although, maintaining a diesel vehicle may sound baffling to many, but, it is quite simple. Safeguarding a diesel vehicle is not entirely different from a petrol variant. You need to keep in mind to focus on critical areas to get the best out of your diesel car.

Change your driving practice

Before concentrating on the maintenance, every diesel car owner must know where and how to change their driving practices. Driving a diesel car is different from a petrol variant. Here are 4 areas that need focus when driving a diesel vehicle –

  1. Ignition

Diesel engines do not contain spark plugs. Instead, ignition entirely relies on your car’s battery power. So it is essential to make minimum use of your vehicles electrical while turning on your vehicle.

  1. Preheating

Diesel engines require generating an initial boost of temperature to operate at peak levels, especially in winters. Most diesel cars in the UK are equipped with preheating mechanism. A diesel vehicle owner needs to wait for preheat indicator to turn off before turning on car’s ignition.

In the winters, it is recommended to heat the engine properly for at least 5 minutes. It helps significantly for the car to gain momentum.

  1. Use clutch during ignition

It helps to minimise the load off the starter motor. A starter motor kick-starts a massive diesel engine to life. Engaging the clutch while ignition ensures more extended longevity of the engine and a lower maintenance cost in future.

  1. Maintain optimum rev range

Higher engine revs (above 4000-5000 RPM) generates unnecessary noise, kills fuel economy and produce lower power compared to low rev driving. Thus, maintain an optimal rev range of 2000-3000 RPM to keep the engine ‘happy’ and get the most out of it.

Service and maintenance tips

Changing your driving practice allows you to get the best performance from your diesel engine. However, like every other car, your diesel vehicle needs to be in ‘perfect’ shape to provide you with the best performance.

Here are 2 essential maintenance tips to keep your diesel car in perfect ‘health’ –

  1. Routine service

Like every other car, your diesel car needs to ‘juice-up’ at routine intervals. A monthly service schedule is essential. You can get your diesel vehicle serviced at reputed service stations such as Jacksons Diesel Centre. Among a host of repair and replacement facilities, they also offer diesel car service in Northampton.

A routine check-up topped with a change in engine oils, coolants and filters will keep your car in the perfect state. Special mention to gaskets, they require special attention to these services.

  1. Fuel check

According to Car Guides, the golden rule for diesel car upkeep is never to let the engine dry out of fuel. A dry engine runs the risk of stalling the fuel pumps at any moment. A manual supply of fuel is essential to kick start the engine. A dry engine also has chances of rusting. For a professional diagnosis of your diesel car’s engine, drive at a nearby professional workshop for diesel car service in Northampton.

With routine maintenance and proper driving practices, you can get your diesel car to perform at peak levels.